It is extracted from the leaves of the plant, by steam distillation. Composition: With a high content (almost 80%) of methyl chavicol ether, a component that gives the oil its therapeutic properties.BASILIKOS (DRINKING) BASIL – THE PLANT Scientific name: Ocimum Basilicum. Description: Herb, over 0.70 m high, annual, of the family of Cilantro, ornamental. Origin: Tropical and subtropical zones of Africa and Asia and primarily India. History: Ancient references to the medicinal use of the plant can be found in the Greek physician Dioscorides, in texts of the therapeutic Indian Ayurveda and in ancient Chinese texts. BASIL – THE “ORGANIC” ESSENTIAL OIL Technique: Extracted from the leaves of the plant, by steam distillation. Composition: With a high content (almost 80%) of methyl chavicol ether, a component that gives the oil its therapeutic properties. Aromatic compounds: Tannins, estragole, camphor, lineol. Smell: Cool, soft, mildly spicy and pale yellow color. Country of origin: India PROPERTIES Powerful antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, antispasmodic. USE Cough, cold, flu. Widely used for massage, fights cramps, muscle and menstrual pain. Ideal for diffusion devices. Widely used to treat depression, stress, lethargy, mental fatigue. Aromatic-disinfectant for the room, repels insects. Associated with attracting good luck! COMBINATIONS With essential oils of Eucalyptus, Lime, Rosemary, Arecanth, Clove, Bergamot, Lemon. CONTRAINDICATION: Prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.